Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Title Change

I don't really know why I changed the title to my blog other than I feel I will be able to capture a broader market this way. If I double my readership I would be infecting two people instead of one. I would say that I am getting twice the amount of people to think like me, but no one wants to think like me, (if you can call it thinking).

I may change the title yet again but for now I feel like a traveler trying to decide which path to go down. I think I've been standing here at this "path" for a long time.

So much of our early life is just doing what we're told; I miss that. Sure it can feel like the iron fist of tyranny, but there is comfort in knowing what you're supposed to do next. It alleviates one of responsibility, you can always fall back on "I'm just doing what I was told."

But that isn't the point. The point isn't arriving, its getting there. We used to live across the street from a bitter old man who added little happiness to anyone he came in contact with. If find myself on a road where I am bitter and of little meaning to others its because I was too focused on where I was going and not enough focus on where I am.