Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tired of all the debauchery…

Man it is a lot of work to stay up all hours of the night drinking soda and crazy amount of slothfulness.  Aron finally ran into a superstar that he’d been dying to meet.


Spongebob was super cool but Patrick was a bit of a diva and wouldn’t let me get a picture of him.  I think he had a bad day at the roulette tables.

There really are two different types of Vegas day Vegas and night Vegas.  To this point we had been getting acquainted with day Vegas so we thought we would introduce ourselves to Night Vegas.  So we left the room at 10:00 pm, it was CRAZY to be out so late but what happens in Vegas…


Here is the MGM Grand, which I didn’t actually go into until my last day but there are lions that you can see.  Except for the day I happened to go, figures.   I’ll post some inside pictures later.



So as you’ve seen from my earlier posts I love the fountains at the Bellagio so I had to go back at night to watch them all lit up… We had to wait a while but that gave Aron some time to get in front of the camera and do what he does best…WORK IT!


Let the show begin…


Wait for it…


Wait for it…


Here we go



Ok so you really have to go there to get the full effect but lets move on to the next attraction.  The Venitian famous for its gondolas.


The ceiling is painted like the sky and changes from day to night every 45 minutes.  We got there in the day but it was actually almost 12:00 out.




Aron was always looking for way to get in front of the lens.

After this we walked past a club inside the Venitian, and it was loud busy.  There were guys and girls all dressed up and ready to party.  Aron and I took one look at each other and we knew what the plan was… grab a cab and get to bed.

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